Two Days Only One-On-One Past Life Regression Sessions at Isis Books, Englewood, CO
April 19 @ 12:00 pm - April 20 @ 6:00 pm
$250.00Meet with Lee Mitchell, Certified Past Life Regression Therapist, for a one on one session into past life regression. Using proven hypnotherapy practices, Lee will relax your brain waves from the active daily Beta Brain Wave to the slower Alpha Brain Wave level where she can reach your subconscious mind. In the session, you will see at least two complete past lives and learn the soul essence of any characters you meet in your past lives. Do you know these souls today? Lee will also introduce you to several of your Spirit Guides. You will learn their names and personalities. Lee records the session using Zoom and will email the recording to you afterward. Fee for the 2 hour session is $250.00. Each day sessions start at 12:00 and last one ends at 6:00. Three sessions per day. Call Lee to schedule your time at 719-221-4275 or email her at lee@crystalsoulpath.com
Lee Mitchell is an Author of four books, The Soul’s Journey, the Soul’s Divine River of Life, Discovering Your Soul’s Path, and The Awakened Soul which are in the store and on Amazon in paperback and on Kindle. Purchase for $250.00 a two session by going to Tickets Below