The Awakened Soul: Regression Cases of Angelic Realm Souls, Hybrid Souls, Fairy Realm Souls and Phobias Explained
As I finished up this book, our Earth had been through a Pandemic that our recent human history has never experienced, at least in the last several hundred years since history has been recorded. It has caused all souls on Earth to take a pause and ask themselves, why am I here. What is my purpose as a human on Earth? I have been fortunate to be in the business of helping human souls to find the answers to these questions. In fact, I was busier with cases during the Pandemic than ever before. Thank you, clients, for letting me be a part of your journey.
Ahead, you are going to read some very fantastical things. Welcome to my world. In the beginning years of my business as a hypnotherapist, I have to admit I would be a little taken back as some of the astonishing things clients would be shown. But now, I have been practicing since 2008, the scenes and emotions and insights I hear from clients seem almost normal. Very rarely am I totally surprised by a case session.
I feel you readers will really be intrigued by the Angelic Realm stories. You might even recognize a friend that has the same qualities, kindness, extreme empathy, and lovingness in all they do. Yet, they choose some of the most heart wrenching careers to get into to help human souls. They are strong enough to do this better than any other souls.
The Fairy Realm section is so magical, loving, and colorful, that you might think the clients just make up the details. I am here to testify, I have experienced many, many cases from the Fairy Realm and they all have these similar qualities. They are real. Hopefully, the Fairy Realm will return to our dimension soon so that we can truly know them as we once did. But this time, we won’t try to destroy them.
I also believe you will really enjoy the Between Lives Soul Sessions. They take Regressions to a whole other level and we learn about the soul in the case over a long trajectory of time. We learn their most important past life, we meet the Council of Elders, we meet more of their Soul Group, we learn if they have parallel lives going on, and much, much more.
Of all the chapters, the Future Lives, I believe is the most informative. It gives us a little glimpse of how Earth and its humans have evolved after viruses, climate warming, immune system deficiencies, and much more. I find it interesting and challenging. We souls will be ready when the time comes to step up and be available for the New World.