I have connected to so many of you reading this in the last six weeks, and BOY, did we all have quite a SHIFT!
Between the two eclipses in March and April, and then the huge conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus which only happens every 12 to 13 years, so many of us have experienced major shifts in our lives.
Eclipses always push us forward to decisions, whether we are ready for them or not. The major conjunction had so much energy, but it was strong and out-of-the-blue for most of us.
From a client I was reading for that just was let go as a Nurse (How could that happen?) to Unexpected Divorce proceedings the husband never dreamed he would be doing one year ago, to a Wellness Center, out of the blue, leasing a new and better space to start a new chapter of the Center. All of this has manifested during this time period.
Myself seeing that my focus on all the things I facilitate are going to start taking a more local focus in Albuquerque than they ever have before. This just started becoming so apparent during this eclipse period and conjunction. I am excited and am looking forward to teaching more classes than I have in a long time!
But I must say that all of these above situations came with darkness around them. If the souls involved had not let there marvelous light shine, things might have evolved very differently.
Myself, I was scammed by a client for several hundred dollars, which has never happened to me in 17 years. Fortunately, I will be recovering the loss from the bank. I also was hacked by a fake agent acting as a Facebook representative while he worked his way into my cell phone and information about my finances. I discovered his hacking and addressed him with it before I hung up. But, concerned for my financial safety, I had to close my bank account and savings and open new ones. Ugh.
The Nurse was falsely accused of wrong behavior by a fellow Nurse. Which ended up moving her to a new company and position that is much better for her future. She had needed to do this for herself for a while.
The divorce situation is revealing so much information that the man never knew was going on in his marriage. Good pushes from the Universe that it is time to make change happen.
The Wellness Center has found a fabulous new location and removed itself from a very dark energy that was hanging over it at the original occasion from a previous partner that was no longer involved in the operation.
The change is what I called moving to a higher dimension. All souls in human bodies are rising in what you know as the Ascension. It has been happening on the planet for years. But we are all shifting at different times. It’s all good, but as we shift, we must leave behind us baggage that no longer serves us in this new dimension we are going to. Here, in the 5th dimension, we will be much more intuitive than now, even feel as if we are able to read each other’s thoughts, we will not give attention to the low level petty topics of being human, but see the human condition as one that is constantly growing stronger.
Stronger, with light and love. But unfortunately, with the light, comes the dark. I don’t want to get too WOO WOO, but as you all know, we all rise together with the light, and the darkness can never win over the light. But my experience over the years as a healer, is that as I proceed to step into my light and make changes, and take chances, the dark wants to hold me back. I have been met in dreams by what I would call the Reptilean society, and I have physically been addressed by dark energies in my lifetime more than once. Once in Littleton, I had to hire a professional energy clearance man. There were so many dark energies left in my space after I worked with clients, that I had to totally clear every room of my place!
So, if you have experienced a great deal of change and decision making out of the blue in the last several weeks. Do this: Meditate to God, the Angels, and your Guides for guidance. I did this over and over during this time. It really helped me get through this dark time. Know that if you hold the light in your heart, no dark energy can stop you or cancel your enthusiasm for a good outcome to any missteps that might be happening in your life at this time!
To quote Dr. Wayne Dyer at a time of great change in your life that your friends or family may not understand:
“When people know our personal histories they exert a certain amount of control over us. They expect us to be something that we have always been, or that we have been taught to be. If we don’t live up to their expectations they become disillusioned about us. Then we take on the guilt of disappointing those who have been such loyal sponsors of our lives.”
“However, there is a simple alternative that can be put into practice in a moment of satori, or instant awakening. You can drop your personal history right now. Just drop it. If you don’t have a story, you don’t have to FIT it.”
“Of all the enlightened beings I have met and have read about, the one similar quality they seem to possess is that they are not in any way tied to their past. They are free because they don’t rely on the way things used to be to Define Their Lives Today”
Dr. Wayne Dyer, in “You Sacred Self”
Love and Light to You,
Lee Mitchell
719-221-4275 |